This Web site presents the OP3FT, the Organization for the Promotion, Protection and Progress of Frogans Technology. It contains in particular its Bylaws, activity reports and annual financial statements, as well as the minutes of the Board of Directors meetings.
If you are looking for information on the company F2R2, the FCR Operator, and in particular on its public share offering operation (available to residents of France only), visit the Web site
The OP3FT is a dedicated, independent, non-profit standards developing organization whose purpose is to hold, promote, protect and ensure the progress of the Frogans technology in the form of an open standard for the Internet, available to all, free of charge.
More generally, the OP3FT's purpose is to contribute to the development of a secure and stable Internet that is open to innovation.
The Frogans technology is the basis of Frogans, the new medium for publishing content and services on the Internet in the form of Frogans sites. The new medium is rooted in a philosophy where typical end users (who have very limited technical knowledge) should no longer be dominated by the technology they are using, and where their interests should always take center stage. This philosophy led to the slogan that drives the OP3FT: "Think users first".
As part of its public-interest mission, the OP3FT pursues the following four permanent objectives for the Frogans technology:
- Balance the relationship between Frogans site publishers and end users, by protecting end-users' interests, including their privacy, when designing new creative functionalities needed by Frogans site publishers.
- Ensure that the Frogans technology remains both secure and simple, by carefully reviewing all decisions to be taken at any level as part of the permanent innovation of Frogans as a medium.
- Develop specifications, implementations and policies as a coherent whole, so as to ensure the stability of Frogans as a medium for all categories of users worldwide (such as end users, content publishers, developers, and hosts).
- Foster employment, innovation and economic development, by providing all stakeholders, including entrepreneurs, with an open, stable and long-term environment for developing and succeeding in their initiatives on top of the Frogans technology.
The OP3FT Bylaws include a detailed description of the work to be carried out by the OP3FT in order to promote, protect and ensure the progress of the Frogans technology.
The OP3FT Bylaws also ensure that the OP3FT remains independent. For example, the OP3FT's work is financed by royalties paid by the Operator of the Frogans Core Registry (FCR) to the OP3FT in exchange for the license granted by the OP3FT for the technical and commercial operation of the FCR.
To receive by E-mail or to view announcements and other news about the Frogans technology, see Frogans Technology Announcements.
For presentations given by the OP3FT on the Frogans project at third-party conferences and meetings, see Presentations on the Frogans project.
For more resources and information on the OP3FT:
Other Web sites related to the Frogans project:
Last update: February 03, 2025.
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